1. You have to start with managing your links. This involves making sure that none of your current links is dead, and you also have to check to see if there are sites linking to you that you are not aware of. If your site is made up of lots of links, you should make sure they aren't getting out of hand, and remove everything that isn't relevant anymore. Also, make sure your links have enough labels that reflect the pages that they are linking to.
2. Reorder the links, placing the best ones at the top. And if you have lots of links, group them in categories. If you have a links page that has 25+ links, then turning that into some kind of directory is a good idea.
This may also help you get more links back to your website in return for the backlinks to the directory that you created. Also, check sites you have linked to, and check if any backlinks due to you are still there, since you do not have a lot of reason to maintain the link if you are not getting the backlinks that you deserve (if backlinks were actually agreed upon at the time that you placed the link on your site).
3. Whenever you get requests to link swap, reply to them ASAP. Not every email you get is going to be good, and you need to be sure to vet every site asking to have you link with them. If you turn down a link request, tell the webmaster why.
Maybe you have a lead they do not. They might be able to work something out, and then be great affiliate partners down the line.
It is common decency to let webmasters know if you are open to exchanging links two to three days after receiving the request. Webmasters will be more impressed if you send them a custom message regarding your approval or disapproval of a link exchange.
4. This is a similar aspect as the above, only that it is harder in this situation to track down all of the people that could potentially ask for links from your website. There is a lot of spam in this kind of stuff, and also lots of really awful, pointless sites. If you come across any of these sites or forum members, let them know your issues with what they are doing, and report them to the moderator/administrator if they are not adjusting their behavior appropriately. It is important for such forums to keep themselves clean, otherwise, search engines might view them as more of a link farm rather than a sharing service.
5. Finally, you need to test every function on your site, making sure that everything is working as expected. The dynamic content you are likely to incorporate at some point needs to deliver correctly. Any messages generated on the fly should not be generated at inappropriate times. The difference between a quality dynamic site and a sub-par dynamic site is that with a quality dynamic site, all the content is delivered at the correct moment, while it looks static and planned.
Take time with your site, and be sure to work on everything for it every single day. Keep adding whatever new stuff you discover, as regular updates will make search engines return more frequently for the spiders. Updating is vital, and if you can follow the template here to ensure quality and accuracy, you will likely be able to think of more ways you can ensure visitor satisfaction, as well as increase your traffic, link counts, and ranking on the search engines.
Never agree to link on anyone's website without asking to be linked in return, unless they offer to pay you. Even then, you should think twice. All of your incoming and outgoing links need to relate to your sites content in order to be high-ranking on search engines.
Basic Link Checks.
Some sites are using robotsf.txt to prevent search engines from indexing their linked pages, under the false assumption that external links would be considered negative. To test, simply retype their URLs with robots.txt at the end (e.g., http://www.website.com/robots.txt). If you see a page with the word "disallowed" on it, and they include the URL to their linked page, they are blocking the spiders from indexing the page. Do not trade links with this site.
You should also check if a site is ECLoakedI, and if so, flag it for the search engines. You do not want to be associated with those guys, nay, you would rather they were banned and kept at arm's length. Does the site offer you a link that has a page rank? Even if it does, you need to see how that drops off between your main page and your linked pages. Remember, it takes time for new pages to get ranking, so PR0 does not necessarily mean the site never has PageRank.
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